50th Post Reunion Survey


Now that the reunion is over please let us know what you think. It was great to see everyone enjoying friendship from years past.

NOTE: If you were unable to attend this reunion, your thoughts are equally important. Respond “Did not attend the reunion” or just bypass the questions you cannot answer.

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

* Answer Required
1)   * Did you attend the Friday night social? (If no go to question #3

Yes No
2)   * Did you enjoy the social on Friday night?

Yes No
3)   * Did you attend the school tour? (If no go to question #5)

Yes No
4)   Did you enjoy the school tour on?

Yes No
5)   Please rate our 50th Reunion.

6)   Did you like the venues?

Yes No
7)   Please rate the food for this reunion.

8)   * Did you feel the price for the reunion was satisfactory?

Yes No
9)   * Would you attend the next reunion?

Yes No
10)   When should it be held?

11)   Where would you like to see the next reunion held?

12)   What did you like best about the reunion?

13)   What did you like least about the reunion?

14)   If you have any constructive criticism of the 50th reunion or suggestions for our future events, please let us know hereā€¦ Again, we hope you all had a memorable weekend. C-U-D-A-H-Y Spells Cudahy!